Monday, July 27, 2020

What Is Surfer’s Ear?

What Is Surfer’s Ear?    

Most surfing injuries are related to muscles or dislocations. But there is also one called exostosis, also known as surfer’s ear that can cause pain and even hearing loss. It is caused by the exposure to cold water. The body responds by growing bone in the ear canal. What to do about it? Click here for more information.


Tinnitus Could Be A Side Effect Of Taking Painkillers

Tinnitus Could Be A Side Effect Of Taking Painkillers    

One of the causes of tinnitus is the use of painkillers. In fact, one side effect of several types of pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, is ringing in the ears. Adding it to acetaminophen or an NSAID — a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, increased the risk of having hearing loss. More info click here.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

This Software Evaluates And Personalizes The User’s Hearing Ability

This Software Evaluates And Personalizes The User’s Hearing Ability    

It Compensates The Frequencies Difficult To Hear    

There is an app that analyzes the user’s personal hearing ability and personalizes the sound to compensate it. This is not only oriented to people with gradual hearing loss, but to any person that is unaware that they have a slight hearing loss, which does not interfere with his daily activities nor his communication with other persons. This is great news, considering that 2.5% of the people suffer from untreated hearing loss, and one-third of them are under 35 years. The app first evaluates the frequency perception level of the user. This means, which frequencies are best and are worst heard, similar to an audiologist exam. This personalizes the software for the user. Also, the app can be integrated into several audio platforms. More info click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Understanding Speech In Noisy Environments

Understanding Speech In Noisy Environments    

Hearing aids are oriented to amplify the sounds and frequencies of the human voice, allowing the wearer to understand a conversation. However, this can be difficult in a noisy environment. Researchers have developed a method to predict intelligibility in noisy backgrounds, which might assist the development of hearing aids. More info click here.


There Can Be Evidence Of An Association Of Hearing Loss And Mental Decline

There Can Be Evidence Of An Association Of Hearing Loss And Mental Decline    

The Risk Of Mental Impairment Increases With The Severity Of Hearing Loss    

Dementia can gradually appear in older adults and is hard to predict. However, according to a study, hearing loss can be a signal that there is a higher risk of this condition. This can show that there is evidence between hearing loss and mental decline. According to specialists, hearing loss is associated with cognitive impairment, which can be a symptom of early dementia. This mental condition has no cure, and there are no treatments that can prevent progression or reverse it. Mild hearing loss increases the risk of mental decline in 30%, while moderate and severe hearing loss increases it in 42% and 54%, respectively, for patients that do not use hearing aids. In the case of men with severe hearing loss using hearing aids, the risk of mental decline was 37%, but it was not statistically significant. More info click here.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

There Are Different Types Of Hearing Loss

There Are Different Types Of Hearing Loss    

There are two types of hearing loss. The first one is related to the tympanum and the bones that conduct sound in the middle ear, and any disease or condition that affects it. The second is called sensorineural hearing loss and is related to the inner ear and complications with the auditory nerve. More info click here.


Stress Can Cause Hearing Loss And Tinnitus

Stress Can Cause Hearing Loss And Tinnitus    

Stressful Situations Secrete A Hormone That Restricts Blood Flow, Affecting Hair Cells In The Inner Ear    

Stress works as a defense mechanism for us. The body produces a hormone called cortisol, which, in imminent danger, puts the body in a fight-or-flight state, narrowing the blood vessels to divert the blood to the muscles. The problem occurs with chronic stress, in which the body is frequently producing this hormone. Constant exposure to it also affects the organs. Since cortisol restricts circulation, it also affects hearing, because the hair cells on the inner ear depend on a proper circulation to work correctly, converting vibration into electrical impulses. There are different types of hair cells, each tuned for a different frequency, so if one is damaged, the ability to hear the corresponding will be affected. Stress and hypertension also cause pulsatile tinnitus, in which the person hears a noise that pulsates with the heartbeat. More Information click here.