Monday, July 27, 2020

What Is Surfer’s Ear?

What Is Surfer’s Ear?    

Most surfing injuries are related to muscles or dislocations. But there is also one called exostosis, also known as surfer’s ear that can cause pain and even hearing loss. It is caused by the exposure to cold water. The body responds by growing bone in the ear canal. What to do about it? Click here for more information.


Tinnitus Could Be A Side Effect Of Taking Painkillers

Tinnitus Could Be A Side Effect Of Taking Painkillers    

One of the causes of tinnitus is the use of painkillers. In fact, one side effect of several types of pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, is ringing in the ears. Adding it to acetaminophen or an NSAID — a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, increased the risk of having hearing loss. More info click here.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

This Software Evaluates And Personalizes The User’s Hearing Ability

This Software Evaluates And Personalizes The User’s Hearing Ability    

It Compensates The Frequencies Difficult To Hear    

There is an app that analyzes the user’s personal hearing ability and personalizes the sound to compensate it. This is not only oriented to people with gradual hearing loss, but to any person that is unaware that they have a slight hearing loss, which does not interfere with his daily activities nor his communication with other persons. This is great news, considering that 2.5% of the people suffer from untreated hearing loss, and one-third of them are under 35 years. The app first evaluates the frequency perception level of the user. This means, which frequencies are best and are worst heard, similar to an audiologist exam. This personalizes the software for the user. Also, the app can be integrated into several audio platforms. More info click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Understanding Speech In Noisy Environments

Understanding Speech In Noisy Environments    

Hearing aids are oriented to amplify the sounds and frequencies of the human voice, allowing the wearer to understand a conversation. However, this can be difficult in a noisy environment. Researchers have developed a method to predict intelligibility in noisy backgrounds, which might assist the development of hearing aids. More info click here.


There Can Be Evidence Of An Association Of Hearing Loss And Mental Decline

There Can Be Evidence Of An Association Of Hearing Loss And Mental Decline    

The Risk Of Mental Impairment Increases With The Severity Of Hearing Loss    

Dementia can gradually appear in older adults and is hard to predict. However, according to a study, hearing loss can be a signal that there is a higher risk of this condition. This can show that there is evidence between hearing loss and mental decline. According to specialists, hearing loss is associated with cognitive impairment, which can be a symptom of early dementia. This mental condition has no cure, and there are no treatments that can prevent progression or reverse it. Mild hearing loss increases the risk of mental decline in 30%, while moderate and severe hearing loss increases it in 42% and 54%, respectively, for patients that do not use hearing aids. In the case of men with severe hearing loss using hearing aids, the risk of mental decline was 37%, but it was not statistically significant. More info click here.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

There Are Different Types Of Hearing Loss

There Are Different Types Of Hearing Loss    

There are two types of hearing loss. The first one is related to the tympanum and the bones that conduct sound in the middle ear, and any disease or condition that affects it. The second is called sensorineural hearing loss and is related to the inner ear and complications with the auditory nerve. More info click here.


Stress Can Cause Hearing Loss And Tinnitus

Stress Can Cause Hearing Loss And Tinnitus    

Stressful Situations Secrete A Hormone That Restricts Blood Flow, Affecting Hair Cells In The Inner Ear    

Stress works as a defense mechanism for us. The body produces a hormone called cortisol, which, in imminent danger, puts the body in a fight-or-flight state, narrowing the blood vessels to divert the blood to the muscles. The problem occurs with chronic stress, in which the body is frequently producing this hormone. Constant exposure to it also affects the organs. Since cortisol restricts circulation, it also affects hearing, because the hair cells on the inner ear depend on a proper circulation to work correctly, converting vibration into electrical impulses. There are different types of hair cells, each tuned for a different frequency, so if one is damaged, the ability to hear the corresponding will be affected. Stress and hypertension also cause pulsatile tinnitus, in which the person hears a noise that pulsates with the heartbeat. More Information click here.


Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause

Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause    

Some older people have trouble listening to a conversation in noisy environments. However, audiology tests show no signs of hearing loss. According to a recent study, the reason might be an imbalance in neural processes in the brain. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Feeling Dizzy Or With Vertigo? This Might Be The Cause

Feeling Dizzy Or With Vertigo? This Might Be The Cause    

There are times when there is a feeling of vertigo and it seems that one is going to lose balance. Probably the problem is in the ear because the balance organs reside there. One cause might be Meniere’s disease, which causes fluid buildup, resulting in nausea and tinnitus. Other causes that have similar symptoms are an ear infection and acoustic neuroma, which is a benign tumor in the inner ear. More Information click here.


A Damage To The Inner Ear Can Result In Sensorineural Hearing Loss

A Damage To The Inner Ear Can Result In Sensorineural Hearing Loss    

The Damaged Cells Prevent Hearing Certain Frequencies    

One of the causes of hearing loss is related to the electrical signals between the inner ear and the brain. The inner ear includes the cochlea, which is a structure similar to a snail’s shell, and the vestibular system, which consists of three rings on different axes, that control balance. Inside the cochlea, there are nerve cells connected to hairs, which are activated by certain sound frequencies, and convert them to electrical impulses. When these nerve cells in the cochlea are damaged, the condition is called sensorineural hearing loss. Damage can occur by trauma, ototoxic medication (a medication with side effects that affect the inner ear), autoimmune disease, genetics, heart disease, and diabetes. The usual treatment is to make sounds louder via hearing aids. A diagnostic will reveal what frequencies must be amplified, and the hearing aid will be tuned to amplify these frequencies. Another consequence of hearing loss is the lack of stimulus in the brain since it cannot receive certain frequencies. A hearing aid will enhance the frequencies corresponding to the damaged hair cells and nerve cells, providing proper brain stimulation. Click here for more info.


Spinning Is Great For Your Looks, But May Be Bad For Your Hearing

Spinning Is Great For Your Looks, But May Be Bad For Your Hearing    

Spinning may help with a great physical condition and a great figure, but the loud music can be damaging to your hearing. One of the factors of hearing loss is the frequency of exposure, so instructors and frequent attendants are at greatest risk, therefore, protect your ears before each class. There are also apps that will inform you if the number of decibels in the class exceeds the safety limits. More info click here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs

Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs    

It Can Be Linked To Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, And Caused By Migraines And Low Blood Pressure    

Dizziness is a sensation of loss of balance, which can go from lightheadedness to continuous vertigo. It affects the inner ear, where the balance organs are located. It can also cause nausea and short-term hearing loss, which can be linked to an ear infection. Another cause is Meniere’s disease. In this condition, the room feels like it is spinning, and other symptoms may be tinnitus hearing loss and a sensation of pressure in the ear. Even though the causes of Meniere’s are unclear, specialists believe that there are genetic factors, and it might be triggered by excessive internal pressure in the inner ear. Dizziness can be caused by a migraine, which may occur before or after the migraine attack or by anxiety, along with heart palpitations. Another cause is low blood pressure, which triggers an episode of dizziness when standing up or changing positions. It can be also the symptom of a serious health condition when combined with other symptoms such as a numb face and double vision. These are linked to a clogged artery, which lowers the blood blow to the brain and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Check all the causes of dizziness. Additional information click here.


Scientists Have Found A Procedure That Can Reverse Inherited Hearing Loss

Scientists Have Found A Procedure That Can Reverse Inherited Hearing Loss    

It Consists Of Activating A Gene Associated With Certain Hair Cells In The Inner Ear    

Hearing loss and hereditary deafness are considered permanent. However, a series of scientific discoveries might disagree with this fact. Researchers have found a genetic brain switch that could reverse hereditary deafness. Certain hair cells, which convert sound into electrical signals, are associated with a particular gene. Scientists were able to reverse hereditary hearing loss at lower frequencies using small-molecule-based drugs. This breakthrough could also help other inherited forms of progressive hearing loss. Click here for more information.


Tinnitus Treatment Trains The Brain To Ignore The Annoying Sound

Tinnitus Treatment Trains The Brain To Ignore The Annoying Sound

The Patient Uses An Ipod To Listen To A Special Sound While Sleeping

There is a treatment based in which the brain learns to ignore the tinnitus sounds. This is done with the generation of a tinnitus sound while the patient sleeps, and over time, the brain ignores the sound until it is hardly noticed. The treatment includes an iPod, which is approved as a medical device. The good news is that this system has won an award as a digital and mobile health app. Click here for more information.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss    

It Is The Most Common Type Of Hearing Loss    

Hearing loss is more common in older adults, but the truth is that it can develop at any age. Causes can be diseases, medication, injuries, or exposure to loud sounds. Noise-induced hearing loss, also called sensorineural hearing loss, is the damage of the hair cells located in the inner ear. This type of hearing loss could be prevented by following certain guidelines, such as avoiding continued exposure to loud noises, such as clubs, music concerts, and headphones. However, there are differences in noise-induced hearing loss. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid hearing them, such as a sudden noise at the workplace, ambulances or sirens, machinery noises, among others. However, if there is ear damage, it can only be assessed after the event, in other words, when it’s too late. There are ways to avoid exposure to loud noises, such as using foam plugs, moving away from the sound source, or even using special earplugs that block the loud noises but allow a conversation. More details click here.


There Is A Non-Invasive Procedure For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Tinnitus, And Fibromyalgia

There Is A Non-Invasive Procedure For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Tinnitus, And Fibromyalgia

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Consists Of Focused Magnetic Pulses On The Brain

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure for treatment-resistant depression, fibromyalgia, and tinnitus, among other disorders. It consists of a highly focused MRI-strength magnetic pulses to nerve cells in a specific part of the brain. The objective is to reverse the changes in brain activity and brain chemicals that happens in these disorders. Additional details click here.


Learn About The Myths In Hearing Loss

Learn About The Myths In Hearing Loss    

Hearing loss has facts and myths. One of them is about that hearing aids are not affordable for many people, but there are payment plans or government subsidies. Also, the patients deny losing his hearing, but hearing loss is so gradual that is sometimes difficult to detect. Check all the myths. More Information click here.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Study: Potassium In Bananas Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss

Study: Potassium In Bananas Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss    

Also, Zinc And Magnesium Are Fundamental For Preserving The Hearing Function    

According to specialists, bananas can help prevent hearing loss. This is due to the potassium, which helps in the correct functioning of the inner ear, and the transmission of signals to the brain. There are other vitamins and minerals important for preventing hearing loss. Researchers have found that eh inner ear has the highest concentration of zinc in all the body, and its deficiency can result in tinnitus. Magnesium protects the ears against noise-induced hearing loss, which results from operating machinery without protection or listening to loud music. Click here for more info.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body

Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body    

Effects Are Tinnitus, Fatigue, Heart Palpitations, And Headaches    

The possibility of a health condition being caused by sound has been reviewed in the case of US diplomats in Cuba and China. High volume can cause stress, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and even hypertension. However, there are sounds that can be outside the human audible range, which is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Sounds over 20,000 Hz. Are called ultrasound and can be heard by dogs and bats. They are used also by doctors for ultrasound imaging. However, the emitting device must be pressed against the subject and is not effective at a certain range. Infrasound is below 20Hz. and has different effects. It is caused by things like earthquakes, lightning, ocean waves, and even some animals like elephants, whales, rhinos, hippos, among others, which use it to communicate with each other. Some effects on humans are headaches, dizziness, annoyance, fatigue, tinnitus, and heart palpitations. There can be also exposure to infrasound at a high volume, such when being in a ship’s engine room, or near a wind turbine. Additional information click here.


The Ear Can Help Diagnose Several Health Conditions

The Ear Can Help Diagnose Several Health Conditions

It Can Even Inform If There Are Kidney Problems Or Heart Disease

The ears can provide a diagnosis over your health. If it is dipping out earwax, there could be some infection or ear disease. The same condition applies if the ears are itchy of if the earwax smells bad – just take note that earwax is odorless in a healthy ear. It can also inform about other organs. If the ear has an unusual shape or if it has a bump on the inner side of the ears, there could be a kidney problem. Also, if there is a diagonal crease in the earlobe, called the Frank Sign, there could be heart disease. Additional details click here.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Injuries

Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Injuries    

This Occurs Because of The Sense Of Hearing Acts As A Warning System For A Potential Danger    

Hearing loss sufferers have a greater risk of injuries. According to specialists, they are 90% more likely to suffer an injury, compared to people with normal hearing. This occurs because the sense of hearing acts as a warning system for any potential danger, such as a vehicle approaching when crossing the streets, or not hearing a smoke alarm. Previous studies had already shown that hearing loss increased the possibility of injury, but this also included the activity related to the damage, which includes driving, at work, or at leisure activities, such as sport. If hearing loss also affects the inner ear, there can be a malfunction of the balance organs, increasing the risk of falling. Click here for more information.


Early Hearing Loss Can Be Detected By This Innovative Test

Early Hearing Loss Can Be Detected By This Innovative Test    

Hearing loss is progressive. This means that it is difficult to detect at an early stage, or that the patient has not perceived any change in the hearing capacity. However, there is now a test that will detect hearing loss when there is normal hearing, or slightly less than normal. It is based on how the brain processes sound with both ears and listen in noisy environments. Additional details click here.


How To Correctly Discuss With Your Older Family Members The Need For A Hearing Aid

How To Correctly Discuss With Your Older Family Members The Need For A Hearing Aid    

For some families, holidays are also a gathering. If this happens once a year, some changes will be noted among the elder members of the family. One of these can be the difficulty to hear, and perhaps the need for a hearing aid. However, there are other cases in which older adults are reluctant to discuss it. How to approach this issue? Additional info click here.


Hearing Aid Batteries Can Last Longer

Hearing Aid Batteries Can Last Longer

Special Care Is Required To Manipulate And Store Them

Hearing aids are powered with tiny batteries, which require appropriate handling to last longer. For example, grease and dirt from the hand can interfere with the power connections, so it is necessary to wash and dry the hands before touching them. They can wear out depending on the use, so, since they are so important to your everyday activities, it is important to have one or two sets handy. They must be stored away from children and from medications – if swallowed, they can create a current with the saliva and burn through the issue and internal organs in two hours. Check all the tips to store the batteries and prolong the battery life. Click here for more information.


Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause

Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause    

Some older people have trouble listening to a conversation in noisy environments. However, audiology tests show no signs of hearing loss. According to a recent study, the reason might be an imbalance in neural processes in the brain. Additional details click here.


Causes Of Vertigo And How To Treat It

Causes Of Vertigo And How To Treat It    

Vertigo is caused by an inflammation of the canals in the inner ear, and results in a sensation of off balance and that everything is spinning. In other cases, the symptoms include nausea, hearing loss, and rapid eye movements. There are ways to treat it, such as being still, avoiding sleep deprivation, and keeping hydrated. Check all the treatments. More info click here.


Usual Myths On Hearing Loss

Usual Myths On Hearing Loss    

Many people think that hearing loss is most usual in the elder adults. However, the majority of people with hearing loss have less than 65 years. Also, not all doctors are aware of hearing loss. Only 13% of the doctors routinely screen for it. Additional information click here.


Gene Therapy Showing Positive Outcome In Hearing Recovery In Mice

Gene Therapy Showing Positive Outcome In Hearing Recovery In Mice    

There has been researching on gene therapy for treating hearing loss due to conditions in the inner ear. However, the problem has been always the procedure to reach the inner ear, since it is very difficult to access. Now, experiments in mice have been able to restore hearing, but only up to a whisper. This paves the way for hearing loss recovery. More info click here.


Annoying Noise Could Be One Of The Causes Of Male Infertility

Annoying Noise Could Be One Of The Causes Of Male Infertility

It Trigger’s The Body Stress Response, Producing Hormones That Lower The Level Of Testosterone

Noise can be annoying at lower levels than a music concert or a night club. An air conditioner, which has 55 decibels (dB) can be irritating. It will not only disturb the sleep process but increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, strokes, tinnitus, and even obesity. Annoying noise has been also related to other issues, such as premature births, miscarriages, and even male fertility. The reason is that constant noise activates the stress mechanism, generating the hormone cortisol, which reduces the levels of testosterone. More details click here.


25% Of Adults Have Some Type Of Gradual Hearing Loss And Are Not Aware Of It

25% Of Adults Have Some Type Of Gradual Hearing Loss And Are Not Aware Of It    

A study revealed that 25% of adults have some degree of hearing loss, but are not aware of it. This is because hearing loss is a condition that shows up gradually, and patients go to the doctor when the condition is severe or evident. In other cases, the patient loses the ability to hear high frequencies, such as the sounds made by the letters S, Z, or TH, and has trouble understanding a conversation. More Information click here.


Tinnitus Can Also Occur In Younger People

Tinnitus Can Also Occur In Younger People    

Tinnitus usually appears between 60 and 69 years, but it can show at any age. A study has shown that students aged 11 to 17 are also having a high incidence of tinnitus, caused by listening to loud music at parties at raves, but headphone usage at high volume was less frequent. Additional information click here.


25% Of Adults Have Some Type Of Gradual Hearing Loss And Are Not Aware Of It

25% Of Adults Have Some Type Of Gradual Hearing Loss And Are Not Aware Of It    

A study revealed that 25% of adults have some degree of hearing loss, but are not aware of it. This is because hearing loss is a condition that shows up gradually, and patients go to the doctor when the condition is severe or evident. In other cases, the patient loses the ability to hear high frequencies, such as the sounds made by the letters S, Z, or TH, and has trouble understanding a conversation. More Information click here.


Babies With Hearing Loss Treated At 6 Months Age

Babies With Hearing Loss Treated At 6 Months Age

However, If Treated Later, They May Fail To Obtain A Wide Vocabulary

Hearing loss in babies can be diagnosed at 3 months, and receive treatment at 6 months. The sooner they receive the treatment, the better because they get a wider vocabulary than those that are treated later due to the malleability of the brain at an early age. However, a study revealed that in many cases children fail to obtain the treatment due to family transportation problems or funding for hearing aids, which are not always covered by insurance. More details click here.


Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body

Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body    

Effects Are Tinnitus, Fatigue, Heart Palpitations, And Headaches    

The possibility of a health condition being caused by sound has been reviewed in the case of US diplomats in Cuba and China. High volume can cause stress, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and even hypertension. However, there are sounds that can be outside the human audible range, which is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Sounds over 20,000 Hz. Are called ultrasound and can be heard by dogs and bats. They are used also by doctors for ultrasound imaging. However, the emitting device must be pressed against the subject and is not effective at a certain range. Infrasound is below 20Hz. and has different effects. It is caused by things like earthquakes, lightning, ocean waves, and even some animals like elephants, whales, rhinos, hippos, among others, which use it to communicate with each other. Some effects on humans are headaches, dizziness, annoyance, fatigue, tinnitus, and heart palpitations. There can be also exposure to infrasound at a high volume, such when being in a ship’s engine room, or near a wind turbine. Additional information click here.


Hearing Aids That Can Be Recharged As Easily As A Cellphone

Hearing Aids That Can Be Recharged As Easily As A Cellphone    

Hearing aids are the usual treatment for hearing loss. However, most of these devices require special batteries, which are not always available, and the batteries can lose power in unexpected situations. There are now hearing aids with rechargeable batteries, and charging them is as easy as charging your phone. More info click here.


This New Hearing Aid Can Process An Extended Range Of Frequencies

This New Hearing Aid Can Process An Extended Range Of Frequencies    

It Transmits The Sounds From The Microphones To The Amplifier Without Alteration    

There is a new hearing aid in the market with a chip that allows faster processing and more memory, rechargeable batteries, and Bluetooth connection to the smartphone. Its processing capacity can perceive a wider spectrum of frequencies, and even stream voice or music. This allows mode detail pro sound processing, eliminations distortions. Also, the sounds are sent from the microphones to the amplifier without being altered. It can be fine-tuned by the user using a wireless connection with a smartphone app. Additional info click here.


Learning To Choose A Hearing Aid

Learning To Choose A Hearing Aid    

Actual Devices Are Smaller And Can Have Functions For Background Noise Reduction    

A hearing aid can help relieve the consequences of hearing loss, especially when it is age-related, which appears gradually, and affects the quality of living of the person, and its ability to communicate. However, there is a wide variety of hearing aids, and it can be difficult to select one without the help of a specialist. The actual devices are not bulky but hide behind the ear. They have also digital internal electronics, which sets the difference in operation, and price, allowing clear conversations. Also, modern hearing aids can interface with smartphones via Bluetooth, allowing them to get access to more functions, and listening to streaming devices, such as TVs, radio, or portable players. It may also have directional microphones to orient the conversation to the person in front of the user. More details click here.


Which Headphones Reduce The Risk Of Hearing Loss?

Which Headphones Reduce The Risk Of Hearing Loss?    

Are earbuds worse than over-the-ear headphones? The only important factor is volume, and a loud sound may cause a hearing injury. Listening to music at a high volume for a long time can lead to nerve damage. So the best is to use medium or low volume, which works better with noise-isolating headphones. More Information click here.


A Damage To The Inner Ear Can Result In Sensorineural Hearing Loss

A Damage To The Inner Ear Can Result In Sensorineural Hearing Loss    

The Damaged Cells Prevent Hearing Certain Frequencies    

One of the causes of hearing loss is related to the electrical signals between the inner ear and the brain. The inner ear includes the cochlea, which is a structure similar to a snail’s shell, and the vestibular system, which consists of three rings on different axes, that control balance. Inside the cochlea, there are nerve cells connected to hairs, which are activated by certain sound frequencies, and convert them to electrical impulses. When these nerve cells in the cochlea are damaged, the condition is called sensorineural hearing loss. Damage can occur by trauma, ototoxic medication (a medication with side effects that affect the inner ear), autoimmune disease, genetics, heart disease, and diabetes. The usual treatment is to make sounds louder via hearing aids. A diagnostic will reveal what frequencies must be amplified, and the hearing aid will be tuned to amplify these frequencies. Another consequence of hearing loss is the lack of stimulus in the brain since it cannot receive certain frequencies. A hearing aid will enhance the frequencies corresponding to the damaged hair cells and nerve cells, providing proper brain stimulation. Click here for more info.


Swimmers Ear Can Be Prevented By Draining The Water Trapped In The Ear Canal

Swimmers Ear Can Be Prevented By Draining The Water Trapped In The Ear Canal    

It Is An Infection That Can Be Avoided By Removing The Excess Earwax    

Swimmer’s ear occurs when water remains in the ear canal after swimming. This is caused by an earwax buildup, which prevents the water from flowing out. The water inside the ear promotes a moist environment which allows the growth of bacteria, resulting in an infection. This condition is called otitis externa, and its symptoms are painful and itchy. Trying to remove the earwax with a cotton tip is not recommended because it can move the earwax inside the canal, and increase the risk of injury in the delicate skin tissue of the ear canal, which has already been affected by the infection. This condition can be prevented by tilting the head sideways to force the water to drain out. Also, even that there are eardrops that will help the earwax to flow out, it is better to visit a specialist to remove the excess earwax. More Information click here.


Tinnitus Can Also Occur In Younger People

Tinnitus Can Also Occur In Younger People    

Tinnitus usually appears between 60 and 69 years, but it can show at any age. A study has shown that students aged 11 to 17 are also having a high incidence of tinnitus, caused by listening to loud music at parties at raves, but headphone usage at high volume was less frequent. Additional information click here.


Sudden Hearing Loss Related To Developing Mental Conditions

Sudden Hearing Loss Related To Developing Mental Conditions    

It Can Lead To Anxiety And Depression    

Sudden loss of hearing, also known as idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss is an uncommon condition, which consists of an inexplicable hearing loss that occurs over a period of 72 hours. According to studies, this condition could increase the risk of developing mental health issues. It can lead to mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Patients were much more likely to develop either depression or anxiety over the course of the study but were far less likely to develop bipolar disorder. Click here for more info.


Ginger Prevents Bad Breath By Breaking Down The Foul Smell In The Saliva

Ginger Prevents Bad Breath By Breaking Down The Foul Smell In The Saliva    

It Has Also Gastrointestinal Benefits And Helps Relieve Motion Sickness, Acting On The Balance Organs In The Inner Ear    

Ginger has many natural benefits, and one of them is breveting bad breath by enabling an enzyme in the saliva to break down foul smells. Other healthy spices, such as turmeric and cardamom, are considered to be from the same family as ginger. It is so effective in cleaning smells and flavors in the mouth, that it is used in Japanese cuisine as a palate cleanser taken between dishes. It has also gastrointestinal benefits, stimulating saliva flow, relieving an upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea, and prevent excess gasses. It contains a compound called gingerol, which enables these benefits. It also relieves motion sickness acting on the vestibular system located in the inner ear. Additional benefits are relief from asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension. It can also help control nausea caused by pregnancy or stomach flu. Also, nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments is treated with anti-nausea or antiemetic drugs. Anti-nausea drugs have several side effects, such as fast heartbeat, slurred speech, and hearing loss. Ginger works as a healthy, natural alternative and has no side effects. More details click here.


Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Certain Drugs

Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Certain Drugs    

Hearing loss is not only caused by loud noises. Certain medications can also affect hearing, in the form of hearing loss or tinnitus. Among them are high-dose aspirin, quinine, certain antibiotics and also a cancer treatment drug. More details click here.


New Treatment For Tinnitus Teaches The Brain To Ignore The Tinnitus Sounds

New Treatment For Tinnitus Teaches The Brain To Ignore The Tinnitus Sounds    

It Influences The Brain To Become Familiar With The Sounds    

There is a new therapy for patients with tinnitus. Some patients try to mask the sound using fans, white noise machines, with no success. A new therapy trains the brain to ignore the ringing, making the tinnitus sound more tolerable. The technology emits a sound similar to the patient’s tinnitus, on an iPod, for 90 nights. This influences the brain to become familiar with the sound. The treatment is done at night because the brain becomes more receptive to changes. Additional info click here.


Early Detection Of Hearing Loss Can Help Providing A Better Treatment

Early Detection Of Hearing Loss Can Help Providing A Better Treatment    

Hearing loss is not easy to accept. Usually, the eyes start to go at 40 years, requiring glasses, and the ears start to go at 60. Hearing tests should be as frequent as eye tests. In the case of hearing an early detection can help the type of treatment. Additional details click here.


Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure

Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure    

It Can Also Cause Strong Headaches, Tinnitus And Increase The Risk Of Severe Organ Damage    

Labile hypertension occurs when blood pressure fluctuates abnormally. It increases over 130/80 mmHg, which is the definition of hypertension and happens for short periods of time. It is usually caused by stress, such as expecting bad news or going for surgery. The usual symptoms of labile hypertension are strong headaches, tinnitus, heart palpitations, and flushing. The sudden increase in blood pressure also puts excess pressure on other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and eyes, increasing the risk of severe damage. More Information click here.


Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak    

Symptoms Are A Strong Headache, Neck Pain, Tinnitus, And Even Coma    

Researchers have found a correlation between snoring and a thinner skull. The thinning is up to 1.23 mm, however, a skull erosion of 1mm can cause a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). This allows the liquid that serves as a cushion to the brain and spinal cord to flow away by the eroded area. The result can be life-threatening, including coma, stroke, and symptoms of dementia. This serious condition is also associated with obesity. The causes are not clear. The main symptom is a headache that gets more severe when upright and lying down. Other symptoms are neck pain, light or sound sensitivity, tinnitus, hearing changes, among others. More info click here.


Never Insert Cotton Swabs In Your Ears – Here’s Why

Never Insert Cotton Swabs In Your Ears – Here’s Why    

People use cotton swabs for cleaning their ears, yet are not aware of how dangerous this is. The reason is that small objects like swabs, hairpins, and toothpicks can perforate the eardrums cut the ear canals and even dislocate the hearing bones. This leads to dizziness, tinnitus or another ear injury. More details click here.


New Hearing Aid Is Virtually Invisible And Can Identify Voices In Noisy Environments

New Hearing Aid Is Virtually Invisible And Can Identify Voices In Noisy Environments    

It Is Inserted Inside The Ear Canal, Making It Very Discreet    

Many people with hearing loss are concerned about using hearing aids because their visibility will affect their self-confidence, and even prefer not to use hearing aids that to be noticed with one. There is a new hearing aid with a discrete size that is virtually invisible and the manufacturers state that its microphone can detect sound in a range of 360 degrees, offering a more natural experience than traditional hearing aids. It also has a processor that is fast enough to identify separate voices in an environment with high background noise. Most hearing aids are located behind the ear, but this new device is inserted inside the ear canal. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Certain Autumn Activities Can Affect Hearing

Certain Autumn Activities Can Affect Hearing    

There are autumn activities that can affect hearing. Experts say that noise levels over 70 decibels can result in hearing loss. However, gas-powered leaf blowers can reach 102 decibels, and chainsaws and wood chippers can reach up to 110 decibels. It gets worse because it’s cumulative, so the longer or the more frequent exposure, the worse the result. More Information click here.


Hearing Aids Are Evolving Into Connected Devices

Hearing Aids Are Evolving Into Connected Devices    

They Will Have GPS, Accelerometers, Health Trackers, And AI    

Hearing aids improve hearing by amplifying sound, especially in the frequency range for being able to understand a conversation in a noisy place, and also filter loud noises. However, these devices are getting smarter. Many years ago, most wristwatches showed the time and date. Now they interface with the smartphone, show notifications, track heartbeat rate and blood pressure, GPS, and many more. The same is happening with hearing aids, which are beginning to connect to other devices, even interface with appliances and with a smart home. These advanced hearing aids are called hearables and provide augmented-hearing. Other devices use the phone’s microphone for listening to conversations, have a health tracker and even accelerometers to detect movement and falls since falling is one of the major causes of death in seniors. More Information click here.


Unusual Effects Of Stress On Sleeping, Hearing And Hair Growth

Unusual Effects Of Stress On Sleeping, Hearing And Hair Growth    

Stress leads to sweating, hypertension and a racing heart. But there are also little-known effects. One of them is hair loss, in which stress forces hair follicles into resting, or contributes to hair pulling. Another one is vivid or bad dreams, and in some cases, sleep paralysis. Diarrhea and IBS can be also caused by stress, and also muffled hearing. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Iphone-Compatible Cochlear Implant Restores Hearing

Iphone-Compatible Cochlear Implant Restores Hearing

It Is Controlled By A Smartphone App And Allows Hearing Music Or Conversations

New cochlear implant connects via Bluetooth with an iPhone to restore hearing. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sounds, cochlear implants send sound directly to the auditory nerve. They are also implanted in the patient’s body, requiring surgery for its removal. This allows the use of an iPhone to listen to music or a conversation. The implant is controlled by an all that sets the volume and the type of hearing they require, based on the environmental sound. Apple has been offering Bluetooth licenses free of charge to several hearing aid and implant manufacturers. Click here for more info.


Tinnitus Is Affecting Teenagers Due To Heavy Headphone Usage

Tinnitus Is Affecting Teenagers Due To Heavy Headphone Usage

It Usually Appeared On Adults Over 50

Earphones are constantly being used by teenagers, which is causing concern for hearing loss. A study has shown that there is a relation between the time the headphones are used for music, and the risk of hearing loss, tinnitus or hearing sensitivity. Tinnitus is a condition that has formerly affected adults over 50, but headphone usage at high volume and for an extended time is including teenagers in this group. It gets worse because tinnitus develops gradually when the damage is already done. Additional information click here.


New Treatment For Tinnitus Teaches The Brain To Ignore The Tinnitus Sounds

New Treatment For Tinnitus Teaches The Brain To Ignore The Tinnitus Sounds    

It Influences The Brain To Become Familiar With The Sounds    

There is a new therapy for patients with tinnitus. Some patients try to mask the sound using fans, white noise machines, with no success. A new therapy trains the brain to ignore the ringing, making the tinnitus sound more tolerable. The technology emits a sound similar to the patient’s tinnitus, on an iPod, for 90 nights. This influences the brain to become familiar with the sound. The treatment is done at night because the brain becomes more receptive to changes. Additional info click here.


Monday, July 13, 2020

One-Sided Hearing Loss Affects Understanding Conversations In Noisy Environments

One-Sided Hearing Loss Affects Understanding Conversations In Noisy Environments

The Brain Uses Both Sides Of The Brain To Process Speech

Most of us are familiar with hearing loss as a condition that affects both ears. However, there is also one-sided hearing loss. In can be caused by excessively high sound, head injury and blood interruption to the inner ear, among others. Also, hearing with only one ear makes difficult understanding speech, because the brain does a better job separating background noise from speech when using both sides of the brain. Fortunately, there is a technology that can help. More info click here.


Tinnitus Can Result In Stress, Depression, Sleeping Problems, An Even Suicide

Tinnitus Can Result In Stress, Depression, Sleeping Problems, An Even Suicide

Causes Can Be Ear Damage And Infection, And Excess Earwax

Tinnitus is a neurological condition in which the sound comes from inside the body, not from the outside. It can lead to stress and depression, and also patients can be driven to self-harm and even suicide. It can also result in sleeping problems and poor concentration. Among the causes are inner ear damage or infection, age-related hearing loss and excess earwax. Click here for more info.


Learning About Meniere’s Disease

Learning About Meniere’s Disease    

Meniere’s disease is a condition related to excess fluid in the inner ear, causing the membrane to rupture. The result in vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss, increasing the risk of accidents. The initial treatment consists of a diet to eliminate the excess fluid in the inner ear. More info click here.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Some Types Of Hearing Loss Can Be Corrected By Surgery

Some Types Of Hearing Loss Can Be Corrected By Surgery    

Cochlear Implants Are Used For Damage To The Inner Ear, While Injury In The Conducting Bones Can Be Treated With Prosthetic Devices    

In some cases, hearing loss can be corrected by surgery. The most common type of hearing loss, called sensorineural hearing loss is caused by sudden or frequent loud noise, old age, and medications, among others. It damages the hair cells that transform the sound vibrations into electrical impulses, and it is permanent. This means that no surgery can correct the damage to the hair cells. Therefore, the surgery bypasses them and connect a cochlear implant directly to the auditory nerve. According to specialists, since this surgery is highly invasive, it must be done when hearing aids are no longer an option. There are also implantable hearing aids for patients with moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss can be also treated by surgery. This happens when the sound cannot be conducted to the inner ear due to an obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This can be corrected by inserting tubes that equalize the pressure in the middle ear. There are also cases in which the conductive bones suffer an abnormal hardening and must be replaced by a prosthetic device. Check all the types of hearing loss that can be treated by surgery. More info click here.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Aging Population Has A Lower Tolerance To Sound

Aging Population Has A Lower Tolerance To Sound    

They Find Annoying Noisy Restaurants And Public Places    

Some people note that restaurants and other public places are turning up the volume of the music. However, the cause may be a greater sensitivity to noise, as a result of age. One of the consequences of the aging process is a lower tolerance to sound. This is caused by a condition called presbycusis, which distorts certain sounds due to hearing deterioration. This lowers the perception of high frequencies and increases low frequencies. Additional information click here.


Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure

Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure    

It Causes Poor Blood Irrigation On Inner Ear And Eyes    

If you experience dizziness, the cause might be low blood pressure. Other symptoms are nausea, fatigue, blurred vision, and fainting, among others. Low blood pressure, also called hypotension, occurs when blood pressure is below 90/60mmHg. The blood does not irrigate properly certain organs, like the inner ear, causing dizziness and loss of balance, the eyes, which is the cause of blurry vision, and the brain, resulting in fainting. There are ways to deal with it, such as eating smaller meals throughout the day. Click here for more information.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tinnitus Is Affecting Teenagers Due To Heavy Headphone Usage

Tinnitus Is Affecting Teenagers Due To Heavy Headphone Usage

It Usually Appeared On Adults Over 50

Earphones are constantly being used by teenagers, which is causing concern for hearing loss. A study has shown that there is a relation between the time the headphones are used for music, and the risk of hearing loss, tinnitus or hearing sensitivity. Tinnitus is a condition that has formerly affected adults over 50, but headphone usage at high volume and for an extended time is including teenagers in this group. It gets worse because tinnitus develops gradually when the damage is already done. Additional information click here.


Vertigo Is The Main Cause Of Falls. How To Deal With It?

Vertigo Is The Main Cause Of Falls. How To Deal With It?    

Among elder people, falls are the main cause of injuries and accidental deaths. One of the main causes is dizziness or vertigo, which increases the risk of falling by 13. Vertigo is caused by an imbalance in the inner ear and the nervous system. If you have vertigo, learn the safety measures to prevent falls. More Information click here.


Usual Myths On Hearing Loss

Usual Myths On Hearing Loss    

Many people think that hearing loss is most usual in the elder adults. However, the majority of people with hearing loss have less than 65 years. Also, not all doctors are aware of hearing loss. Only 13% of the doctors routinely screen for it. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Protecting Your Ears From High Volume Noise

Protecting Your Ears From High Volume Noise    

Hearing loss is a serious issue. On the US, it is the third most common physical condition, after arthritis and heart disease. It happens so gradually that it becomes difficult to detect. There are ways to protect from the high volume noises around you, such as staying alert to loud noises, lower the volume on your personal devices, and stay away from high volume sources. Check all the list. More Information click here.


Frequent Headaches Are A Common Symptom Of High Blood Pressure

Frequent Headaches Are A Common Symptom Of High Blood Pressure    

Other Symptoms Are Regular Nosebleeds And Dizziness    

High blood pressure is usually known as “the silent killer” because its symptoms are not easy to identify, and only show themselves when the blood pressure is extremely high and there is an increased risk of death-related complications, such as heart disease and stroke, that can result in disability or death. However, there are symptoms that may appear at an early stage, which might be apparently disconnected. One of them is frequent headaches. Other common symptoms are dizziness, facial redness, persistent nosebleeds, and blood spots in the eyes. This means that the hypertension is affecting the eyes and the balance organs in the ears. Failure to recognize these symptoms can result in a hypertensive crisis, in which blood pressure can reach levels as high as 180/120, leading to shortness of breath, visual complications and chest pain. More info click here.


Diabetics Have Double The Risk Of Getting Hearing Loss

Diabetics Have Double The Risk Of Getting Hearing Loss    

Diabetics have twice the risk of having hearing loss. The reason might be that the high glucose levels damage the tiny blood vessels inside the ears, in a similar way diabetes damages the eyes and ears. More info click here.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Cochlear Implants Benefit Patients With Severe Hearing Loss

Cochlear Implants Benefit Patients With Severe Hearing Loss

They Provide A Representation Of The Sound That Helps Understand Speech

Hearing aids can help patients with a certain degree of hearing loss. However, there are cases hearing loss is so severe that these devices are not helping anymore. In these cases, the solution is a cochlear implant. These do not restore hearing, but it provides deaf patients a representation of the sound that allows them to understand speech. Additional details click here.


Study: Tinnitus Related To Anxiety

Study: Tinnitus Related To Anxiety    

A research has found a relationship between anxiety and tinnitus in children. One of the conclusions is that, even if tinnitus is difficult to treat, taking care of anxiety makes it more treatable. Additional info click here.


Researchers Cured Genetic Deafness In Mice

Researchers Cured Genetic Deafness In Mice    

They Used Gene Therapy To Treat Mice Born Deaf    

Total deafness in newborns has a genetic cause. The usual treatment is cochlear implants, but researchers are looking at genetic therapies as an alternative. With this treatment, deaf mice can hear as well as healthy mice. These mice had a gene responsible for deafness. The same gene causes between 2% to 8% of human deafness originated by genetics. It prevents a certain protein to perform its function, which is transmitting sound information collected by the fine hairs located in the inner ear. Researchers altered the mice’s genomes, permitting them to hear almost as well as the ones that were born without this protein. However, further testing is required to begin trials in humans. More info click here.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Promising Research On Drugs That Could Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Promising Research On Drugs That Could Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss    

It Could Inhibit Hair Cell Damage In The Inner Ear    

Loud noises are one of the most common causes of hearing loss due to the damage to hair cells in the inner ear. These cells cannot be regenerated, leading to permanent hearing loss. There are drugs that also damage these cells, such as the chemotherapy drug cisplatin. In this case, even though the treatment prevents patients from dying of cancer, the side effect affects seriously their wellbeing. Researchers have been working on a drug this prevents this medication-induced hearing loss. They have discovered a drug that not only inhibits hair cell damage from chemotherapy drugs but also damage from excessive noise, which looks very promising. Additional information click here.


Study: Hearing Loss Linked To Iron Deficiency Anemia

Study: Hearing Loss Linked To Iron Deficiency Anemia    

Study: iron deficiency anemia has been linked to hearing the loss in adults aged 21-90.  It has been related to sensorineural hearing loss, in which there is damage to the cochlea or nerve pathways, and conductive hearing loss, which is caused by problems in the bones in the inner ear. More info click here.


Hearing Aid Batteries Can Last Longer

Hearing Aid Batteries Can Last Longer

Special Care Is Required To Manipulate And Store Them

Hearing aids are powered with tiny batteries, which require appropriate handling to last longer. For example, grease and dirt from the hand can interfere with the power connections, so it is necessary to wash and dry the hands before touching them. They can wear out depending on the use, so, since they are so important to your everyday activities, it is important to have one or two sets handy. They must be stored away from children and from medications – if swallowed, they can create a current with the saliva and burn through the issue and internal organs in two hours. Check all the tips to store the batteries and prolong the battery life. Click here for more information.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Evolution Of Hearing Aids

The Evolution Of Hearing Aids    

Advances In Microelectronics And Batteries Have Made Them Virtually Invisible    

Hearing aids have been around in many forms, some very different from the modern devices actually available. The first ones were ear trumpets and conversation tubes, which resembled a trumpet connected to the ear canal, and did not amplify sound, they just collected it from the surroundings and directed into the ear canal. Afterward came the first electrical hearing aids based on a carbon microphone, which required bulky batteries and microphone. The same occurred with amplification devices based on vacuum tubes. With the transistors, the devices were much smaller. The next generation consisted of ear-level hearing aids, which were located behind the ears, with tubing connected to the ear canal. These allowed a more natural sound and could be used in both ears. Afterward, there were devices that resided in the ear canals, but were bulky and protruded from the ear. Actual models are so small they are virtually invisible, and can even be controlled via a smartphone application. More Information click here.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body

Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body    

Effects Are Tinnitus, Fatigue, Heart Palpitations, And Headaches    

The possibility of a health condition being caused by sound has been reviewed in the case of US diplomats in Cuba and China. High volume can cause stress, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and even hypertension. However, there are sounds that can be outside the human audible range, which is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Sounds over 20,000 Hz. Are called ultrasound and can be heard by dogs and bats. They are used also by doctors for ultrasound imaging. However, the emitting device must be pressed against the subject and is not effective at a certain range. Infrasound is below 20Hz. and has different effects. It is caused by things like earthquakes, lightning, ocean waves, and even some animals like elephants, whales, rhinos, hippos, among others, which use it to communicate with each other. Some effects on humans are headaches, dizziness, annoyance, fatigue, tinnitus, and heart palpitations. There can be also exposure to infrasound at a high volume, such when being in a ship’s engine room, or near a wind turbine. Additional information click here.


Understanding Earwax Buildup And How To Prevent It

Understanding Earwax Buildup And How To Prevent It    

Cotton Swabs Must Not Be Used To Remove It    

Earwax, also called cerumen, is a substance that is produced by glands in the ear canal. It protects the ear from infection by keeping it clean and capturing dust and foreign particles, along with the tiny hairs in the ear canal. It also works as a water repellent. It has an auto-cleaning mechanism, in which slowly moves to the outer part of the ear canal, taking away the foreign matter it has collected and falls out while taking a shower, washing the hair, or even while sleeping. However, there are cases in which earwax is produced at a faster rate, which can result in buildup, affecting hearing capacity and cause pain. Also, some people can have narrow ear canals, or from certain angles which will also lead to earwax buildup. Another cause can be the insertion of objects, such as earplugs, hearing aids, or earphones. The earwax buildup gets dry with age, which can result in dizziness, tinnitus, or partial hearing loss. To remove earwax, some people use cotton swabs or other objects, which must be avoided because they can affect the eardrum and push the earwax deeper into the canal. The correct way is using eardrops, ear irrigation, or micro-suction, performed by a specialist. More info click here.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Which Headphones Reduce The Risk Of Hearing Loss?

Which Headphones Reduce The Risk Of Hearing Loss?    

Are earbuds worse than over-the-ear headphones? The only important factor is volume, and a loud sound may cause a hearing injury. Listening to music at a high volume for a long time can lead to nerve damage. So the best is to use medium or low volume, which works better with noise-isolating headphones. More Information click here.


New Technique Will Allow Imaging Of The Inner Ear Structure And The Cochlea

New Technique Will Allow Imaging Of The Inner Ear Structure And The Cochlea    

The Dense Bony Encasing Does Not Permit Clear Imaging By Conventional Methods, Such As CTS And MRI Scans    

Researchers believe that imaging of the inner ear will be fundamental for understanding and preventing hearing loss. According to specialists, even though it is a condition that is present in most aging adults, and that the number of cases between teenagers and young adults is growing, it is understudied and underfunded. The dense bony structure that surrounds the ear makes very difficult to use conventional imaging methods, such as CTs and MRI scans, so that pathologies are studied using post-mortem thin slices of the cochlea. However, researchers are working on a new technique, based on synchrotron lights, which are able to penetrate the dense bones that surround the inner ear, allowing high-quality images. It can distinguish normal and damaged sensory cells and nerve fibers in the cochlea without having to remove the inner ear from its casing. This can be a breakthrough in the research of inner ear pathologies providing a superior method for study and diagnosis of the inner ear. Studies must be made post-mortem because synchrotrons emit radiation that is too high for living humans, but researchers expect that low-radiation devices will be available in the future. Additional info click here.