Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Living In A Big City Can Expose Your Body To Noise Pollution

Living In A Big City Can Expose Your Body To Noise Pollution    

Extended Exposure Can Affect Your Mental And Physical Health    

In a big city, most people dot realize the noise pollution created by car horns, construction noises and loud music among others. These noises can be nonstop and we tend not to pay attention to them. However, according to specialists, extended exposure to these continuous noises can have a negative effect on mental and physical health. These include heart damage, heart damage and hearing loss, caused by the stress reaction to these loud sounds, which can end in chronic anxiety. This can be avoided with fewer notifications from the phone, noise-canceling headphones, or just escaping to a silent out-of-town place. Click here for more information.


Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia

Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia    

Symptoms Include Lack Of Energy, Erectile Dysfunction, Mouth Injuries, Tinnitus, Headaches, And Even Hair Loss    

Testosterone deficiency is a condition that affects 38% of men over 45. It occurs when the testicles are not producing enough testosterone. It is caused by insufficient testosterone production by the testicles, which affects several body functions, such as libido, concentration, mood, and strength. Among the symptoms are tiredness and lack of energy, weight gain, low mood, lack of concentration, reduced strength and endurance, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. However, according to a new research, 70% of the cases could be mistaking testosterone deficiency for natural signs of aging. Another condition that can have similar symptoms as testosterone deficiency is anemia. Other signs of anemia are tiredness and lack of energy, noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations), shortness of breath, and pale skin. there are also headache, tinnitus, food tasting strange, itchiness, and hair loss. There are also oral issues, such as difficulty swallowing, a sore tongue, and painful open sores in the corners of the mouth. Additional details click here.


Monday, June 29, 2020

Swimmers Ear Can Be Prevented By Draining The Water Trapped In The Ear Canal

Swimmers Ear Can Be Prevented By Draining The Water Trapped In The Ear Canal    

It Is An Infection That Can Be Avoided By Removing The Excess Earwax    

Swimmer’s ear occurs when water remains in the ear canal after swimming. This is caused by an earwax buildup, which prevents the water from flowing out. The water inside the ear promotes a moist environment which allows the growth of bacteria, resulting in an infection. This condition is called otitis externa, and its symptoms are painful and itchy. Trying to remove the earwax with a cotton tip is not recommended because it can move the earwax inside the canal, and increase the risk of injury in the delicate skin tissue of the ear canal, which has already been affected by the infection. This condition can be prevented by tilting the head sideways to force the water to drain out. Also, even that there are eardrops that will help the earwax to flow out, it is better to visit a specialist to remove the excess earwax. More Information click here.


Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues    

Among Them Are Headaches, Hypertension, Hearing Loss, Sleep Disorders, And Even Memory Loss    

Recently, the U.S. embassy staff in Havana started hearing a high-pitched sound, which resulted in a diplomatic incident between the two countries, even though the cause was not found. Exposure to this sound resulted in severe health consequences for the embassy personnel. Among these were headaches, memory loss, sleep disorders and ear-related conditions, such as hearing loss and struggle to maintain balance. Testing also revealed a sustained injury to widespread brain networks. Studies have proven that exposure to sound, including frequencies that go beyond the range that humans can detect, can cause hearing loss, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. Additional details click here.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Dementia Can Be Caused By Untreated Hearing Loss

Dementia Can Be Caused By Untreated Hearing Loss    

Untreated hearing loss can affect other parts of the body. According to experts, the hearing process is 10 percent ear and 90 percent brain. In hearing loss, the brain does not get enough input and it starts to shut down the areas that deal with hearing, like muscle atrophy. This will eventually result in dementia. More info click here.


Friday, June 26, 2020

The Correct Way To Clean The Ears

The Correct Way To Clean The Ears    

Many people use Q-tips for cleaning their ears. However, this puts the delicate organs in danger, because of the possibility of a perforated tympanum. The suggestion from the medical point of view is: leave it, don’t clean it. The earwax, which protects the ear canal, cleans itself, so it’s not necessary to use other tools. More info click here.


Study: Sea Anemone Could Be The Key To Restoring Hearing Loss

Study: Sea Anemone Could Be The Key To Restoring Hearing Loss    

At the University of Lafayette, a study is being made with sea anemones, which have hair receptors similar to the one we have in our ears. This could be a breakthrough for patients who have lost hearing due to a sudden explosion or a loud noise. The anemones use the hair receptors to identify prey. Once they capture it, the prey destroys some of these receptors. To restore these receptors, they secrete a protein that repairs their structure. More info click here.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Unusual Effects Of Stress On Sleeping, Hearing And Hair Growth

Unusual Effects Of Stress On Sleeping, Hearing And Hair Growth    

Stress leads to sweating, hypertension and a racing heart. But there are also little-known effects. One of them is hair loss, in which stress forces hair follicles into resting, or contributes to hair pulling. Another one is vivid or bad dreams, and in some cases, sleep paralysis. Diarrhea and IBS can be also caused by stress, and also muffled hearing. Additional information click here.


Electro-Acupuncture Treatment For Tinnitus Increases Circulation In The Hearing System

Electro-Acupuncture Treatment For Tinnitus Increases Circulation In The Hearing System    

A study in China has shown improvement in tinnitus patients by the use of electro-acupuncture. While traditional acupuncture had 65% effectiveness, electro-acupuncture has 90% effectiveness. According to the researchers, it reduces tinnitus, benefits the ears and increases conduction n the auditory nerve. This is because the electrical pulses create rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the ear region. This promotes circulation and nutrient delivery to the hearing system. Click here for more info.


There Is A Non-Invasive Procedure For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Tinnitus, And Fibromyalgia

There Is A Non-Invasive Procedure For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Tinnitus, And Fibromyalgia

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Consists Of Focused Magnetic Pulses On The Brain

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure for treatment-resistant depression, fibromyalgia, and tinnitus, among other disorders. It consists of a highly focused MRI-strength magnetic pulses to nerve cells in a specific part of the brain. The objective is to reverse the changes in brain activity and brain chemicals that happens in these disorders. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Babies With Hearing Loss Treated At 6 Months Age

Babies With Hearing Loss Treated At 6 Months Age

However, If Treated Later, They May Fail To Obtain A Wide Vocabulary

Hearing loss in babies can be diagnosed at 3 months, and receive treatment at 6 months. The sooner they receive the treatment, the better because they get a wider vocabulary than those that are treated later due to the malleability of the brain at an early age. However, a study revealed that in many cases children fail to obtain the treatment due to family transportation problems or funding for hearing aids, which are not always covered by insurance. More details click here.


Migraine And Tinnitus Can Be Caused By TMJ (Tempo Mandibular Joint) Disorder

Migraine And Tinnitus Can Be Caused By TMJ (Tempo Mandibular Joint) Disorder    

Sometimes headaches can be caused by a dysfunction in the TMJ – tempo mandibular joint. This means that the mandible is unbalanced due to teeth misalignment, an injury or a previous condition that has affected the joint. In this case, pain also reflects itself in the neck and in the shoulders and can be also the cause of vertigo and tinnitus. The treatment is oriented to balance the posture of the spine, balance the bite and also the mandible. More Information click here.


Study: Hearing Loss Can Increase Rate Of Brain Decay In Older Adults

Study: Hearing Loss Can Increase Rate Of Brain Decay In Older Adults    

One of the effects of aging is brain shrinkage. However, a study has determined that the shrinkage is faster in elders with hearing loss. Also, other studies have shown that hearing loss can degrade memory and thinking. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Many People Who Require Hearing Aid Do Not Use Them

Many People Who Require Hearing Aid Do Not Use Them    

They Believe That The Devices Will Restore Hearing Completely, But They Are Optimized For Conversations    

According to specialists, a large percentage of people who require hearing aids do not use them. One of the causes is that they set their expectations very high, and they do not hear as well as when their hearing was normal. When they become aware that the hearing function is not completely restored, they get disappointed, stop using them and say that they don’t work. They don’t understand that the hearing is damaged and that the hearing aid is designed to optimize the frequencies of the human voice, not the full sound spectrum. Hearing aids do this by using directional microphones and internal processing to identify voices in noisy environments. There is also a negative stigma related to being old, and usually, hearing aids are expensive, which can be a financial problem. The idea is to take an informed decision. There is are no perfect hearing aid that will restore hearing completely, but they will help in understanding conversations. It is important to take the time, testing various devices until finding the correct one. This process can take as much as 6 months. Many manufacturers provide a trial period. The hearing aid is like prostheses, and getting accustomed to it and using it correctly takes time, patience, and perseverance. More Information click here.


Risks Of Hearing Loss In Youngsters

Risks Of Hearing Loss In Youngsters    

Study: young people are causing permanent damage to their hearing and are not aware of it. One of the symptoms is difficulty in understanding speech in noisy environments. The reason is constant exposure to loud music and sounds. More Information click here.


Tinnitus Treatment Trains The Brain To Ignore The Annoying Sound

Tinnitus Treatment Trains The Brain To Ignore The Annoying Sound

The Patient Uses An Ipod To Listen To A Special Sound While Sleeping

There is a treatment based in which the brain learns to ignore the tinnitus sounds. This is done with the generation of a tinnitus sound while the patient sleeps, and over time, the brain ignores the sound until it is hardly noticed. The treatment includes an iPod, which is approved as a medical device. The good news is that this system has won an award as a digital and mobile health app. Click here for more information.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Sound-Based Therapy For Tinnitus Gets Approved For Distribution

Sound-Based Therapy For Tinnitus Gets Approved For Distribution    

A new treatment has been approved for tinnitus. It consists of a sound therapy especially customized for each patient. It provides an option for patients who were unable to access clinical treatment options due to high costs. More Information click here.


Researchers Have Found The Molecule Essential For Hearing And Balance

Researchers Have Found The Molecule Essential For Hearing And Balance    

It Allows The Conversion Of Sound And Head Movements To Electrical Signals    

Researchers have found the sensor protein responsible for sound and balance, which converts sounds and movements into electrical signals. According to scientists, this protein would be the gatekeeper of hearing. The discovery could set the foundation for specific therapies for cases of hearing loss caused by the malformation or absence of this protein. Hearing is not the only sense that uses a molecular conversion process to transfer the information to the brain. The molecules for most of the senses have been discovered. The main problem on the case of hearing is that it is located in a minuscule, hard-to-access area, near the brain, and inside the densest bone in the human body. Also, there are relatively few sensory cells in the hearing process. These are 16 thousand, compared to 100 million in the retina. Also, most research in hearing has been done dissecting hearing tissue, due to the difficulty of its location, it is more convenient to examine it while it is working. This molecule is also present in other vertebrate species, which emphasizes how important it is for survival. More Information click here.


Aging Population Has A Lower Tolerance To Sound

Aging Population Has A Lower Tolerance To Sound    

They Find Annoying Noisy Restaurants And Public Places    

Some people note that restaurants and other public places are turning up the volume of the music. However, the cause may be a greater sensitivity to noise, as a result of age. One of the consequences of the aging process is a lower tolerance to sound. This is caused by a condition called presbycusis, which distorts certain sounds due to hearing deterioration. This lowers the perception of high frequencies and increases low frequencies. Additional information click here.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Tinnitus Can Result In Stress, Depression, Sleeping Problems, An Even Suicide

Tinnitus Can Result In Stress, Depression, Sleeping Problems, An Even Suicide

Causes Can Be Ear Damage And Infection, And Excess Earwax

Tinnitus is a neurological condition in which the sound comes from inside the body, not from the outside. It can lead to stress and depression, and also patients can be driven to self-harm and even suicide. It can also result in sleeping problems and poor concentration. Among the causes are inner ear damage or infection, age-related hearing loss and excess earwax. Click here for more info.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Feeling Dizzy Or With Vertigo? This Might Be The Cause

Feeling Dizzy Or With Vertigo? This Might Be The Cause    

There are times when there is a feeling of vertigo and it seems that one is going to lose balance. Probably the problem is in the ear because the balance organs reside there. One cause might be Meniere’s disease, which causes fluid buildup, resulting in nausea and tinnitus. Other causes that have similar symptoms are an ear infection and acoustic neuroma, which is a benign tumor in the inner ear. More Information click here.


Study: Hearing Loss Can Increase Rate Of Brain Decay In Older Adults

Study: Hearing Loss Can Increase Rate Of Brain Decay In Older Adults    

One of the effects of aging is brain shrinkage. However, a study has determined that the shrinkage is faster in elders with hearing loss. Also, other studies have shown that hearing loss can degrade memory and thinking. Additional info click here.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Tinnitus Is Affecting Teenagers Due To Heavy Headphone Usage

Tinnitus Is Affecting Teenagers Due To Heavy Headphone Usage

It Usually Appeared On Adults Over 50

Earphones are constantly being used by teenagers, which is causing concern for hearing loss. A study has shown that there is a relation between the time the headphones are used for music, and the risk of hearing loss, tinnitus or hearing sensitivity. Tinnitus is a condition that has formerly affected adults over 50, but headphone usage at high volume and for an extended time is including teenagers in this group. It gets worse because tinnitus develops gradually when the damage is already done. Additional information click here.


Melatonin Can Have Harmful Side Effects

Melatonin Can Have Harmful Side Effects    

Among Them Are Dizziness, Headaches, Nausea, And Irritability    

Many people are considering replacing sleeping pills by melatonin. Alter all, melatonin is a natural hormone. However, there are cases in which this might not be a good idea. Melatonin is a hormone that tells the body to go to sleep, so, if this substance is already present in the body, the brain might decrease its production, which worsens things. Also, specialists recommend taking melatonin when there are serious sleep disruptions, such as when traveling overseas, but not on a regular base. Also, there are certain symptoms that show that the body is reacting badly to melatonin. Among them are daytime drowsiness, which may mean that the melatonin ingestion is altering the production of natural melatonin in the body. Another is headaches, which are side effects of melatonin ingestion. Also, there can be a feeling of dizziness, which might mean that the substance is affecting the balance organs in the inner ear. If this occurs, it is important to stop taking it immediately. There may be additional symptoms, such as nausea, stomach cramps, tremors, or irritability. More info click here.


Headphones With Sound-Limiting Devices Not Completely Safe For Kids

Headphones With Sound-Limiting Devices Not Completely Safe For Kids

Hearing Conditions Are Affected By Exposure To Loud Music And Sounds And Time Of Exposure

Many headphones are being marketed as “child-friendly”, which considers that it limits the loudness of the music. However, hearing loss is caused by the exposure to loud music or sounds and the time of the exposure. Statistics say that kids are listening to music 7 hours per day. This is critical in children because hearing loss can affect language and speech development. On the other hand, many headphones advertised with a sound-limiting mechanism, actually allow listening to music at higher volume. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?

What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?    

People must be aware if one family member begins showing signs of hearing loss. In order to understand more this condition, let’s review the types of hearing conditions. The conductive type is related to the outer ear, ear canal or middle ear. An example is earwax blockage, a perforated eardrum, among others. These can be corrected surgically. The sensorineural type is related to the inner ear or auditory nerve. These can include balance problems and tend to be permanent. Check all the types. More Information click here.


New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus

New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus    

A new treatment based on colored lenses helps treat migraines and is also being used on patients with tinnitus. It consists of tiny lamps of a different color, and the patient can control the intensity of them. The initial study was made for patients with a migraine, which reduced the intensity of the pain. A number of them had also tinnitus, and also observed a reduction in the symptoms. The different colors distract the sensory area of the brain, reducing the tinnitus symptoms. Click here for more information.


Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Sleep Apnea, Smoking, And Iron Deficiency

Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Sleep Apnea, Smoking, And Iron Deficiency    

Snoring May Decrease The Ability To Understand Group Conversations    

Hearing loss is usually associated with age and with exposure to loud noise during a prolonged time. However, there are unusual causes, such as smoking, due to reduced blood circulation in the ear’s structures, and iron deficiency, which can impair the inner ear. Another cause is sleep apnea, which, according to specialists, increases the risk of hearing loss, making it difficult to hear in noisy places or group conversations. Other causes are the sound of the hairdryer, and painkillers, among others. More details click here.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Untreated Hearing Loss Can Lead To Negative Psychological Effects

Untreated Hearing Loss Can Lead To Negative Psychological Effects    

Hearing loss is a condition that gets worse over time. Therefore, many patients delay treatment because they can live with it, see it as a weakness, or don’t want to use a hearing aid. However, the inability to communicate correctly can lead to irritability, negativism, anger, fatigue, depression withdrawal from social situations, among others. Check the full list. More info click here.


Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Prolonged Use Of Painkillers In Women

Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Prolonged Use Of Painkillers In Women    

Painkillers have been related to unwanted side effects and risk of addiction. Now, a study links the prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or acetaminophen to hearing loss in women. The study related use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, to hearing loss, but not aspirin. More Information click here.


Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause

Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause    

Some older people have trouble listening to a conversation in noisy environments. However, audiology tests show no signs of hearing loss. According to a recent study, the reason might be an imbalance in neural processes in the brain. Additional details click here.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Using Earplugs At Music Concerts Or Clubs Its Safe, Not Weird

Using Earplugs At Music Concerts Or Clubs Its Safe, Not Weird    

There Are Earplugs That Dampen The Sound And Look Good    

Noise-induced hearing loss can be caused when exposed to environments with loud noises, such as clubs or music concerts. The simplest way to avoid it is by wearing earplugs, but it cannot be socially acceptable, especially among teenagers. This requires explaining what prolonged exposure to loud music will do to hearing, and even show the noise level with a smartphone app. Also, explain that the first symptoms can be a mild, temporary hearing loss or ear ringing that can last for half an hour, but the effect is accumulative, and it will lead to a gradual hearing loss. Another way to overcome the social barrier is to wear earplugs and bring extra pairs for friends. In addition, the idea is to listen to the music o have some fun at the club without increasing the risk of hearing loss. Foam earplugs will protect the ears, but can also block the music and conversation. However, there are other plugs that limit or dampen the noise and will allow enjoying the music and conversation. Click here for more information.


Causes Of Vertigo And How To Treat It

Causes Of Vertigo And How To Treat It    

Vertigo is caused by an inflammation of the canals in the inner ear, and results in a sensation of off balance and that everything is spinning. In other cases, the symptoms include nausea, hearing loss, and rapid eye movements. There are ways to treat it, such as being still, avoiding sleep deprivation, and keeping hydrated. Check all the treatments. More info click here.


OTC Hearing Aids Will Be Less Expensive And Communicate With A Smartphone

OTC Hearing Aids Will Be Less Expensive And Communicate With A Smartphone    

Hearing aids are still expensive for the majority of hearing loss patients. However, a new breed of devices is on its way, which will be sold over-the-counter at a cheaper price, and can communicate with smartphones or tablets, and auto adjust themselves. Click here for more information.


Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Prolonged Use Of Painkillers In Women

Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Prolonged Use Of Painkillers In Women    

Painkillers have been related to unwanted side effects and risk of addiction. Now, a study links the prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or acetaminophen to hearing loss in women. The study related use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, to hearing loss, but not aspirin. More Information click here.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Why You Shouldn’t Remove Earwax

Why You Shouldn’t Remove Earwax    

There is a common misconception that earwax is a sign of dirty ears. The truth is that it prevents water, insects, dirt and small particles from getting into the ear. It has also antimicrobial properties that prevent bacteria and fungi from causing an infection. More details click here.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Healthy Tips On Using White Noise Machines For Babies

Healthy Tips On Using White Noise Machines For Babies

Using Them Too Near The Baby’s Bed Can Cause Hearing Issues

Many parents use white noise machines to keep their babies asleep. However, setting the machine too close to the baby’s bed can affect the hearing, because volume might be too high. Also, it is a good idea to turn off the machine once the baby is asleep – leaving it on for hours can cause hearing damage. More info click here.


These Nutrients Will Help You Promote Your Hearing Capacity

These Nutrients Will Help You Promote Your Hearing Capacity    

Avoiding prolonged loud noises and taking care of ear infections is a way to prevent hearing loss. However, there are nutrients that will also help. Some of them are vitamins C and E, which help control free radicals, stimulating the ears’ capacity. Also folic acid, which has antioxidants, is present in some green vegetables and eggs. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Tinnitus Is Generated By The Brain, Not By The Ears

Tinnitus Is Generated By The Brain, Not By The Ears    

There Are Tests To Locate End Treat The Brain Areas That Originate It    

Tinnitus is a perception of sound without an environmental source. It can happen in one or both ears. The sounds are similar to ringing, hissing, or buzzing and they may be constant or intermittent. Among the causes an acoustic neuroma, which is a benign tumor of the coating of the hearing nerve, or a dysfunction in the neuro-circuitry for hearing in the brain. This dysfunction may be located in the dorsal cochlear nucleus in the brainstem, which generates neurological activity spontaneously, and also can be located in non-auditory brain areas such as the frontal lobe, cerebellum, and the limbic system. There are procedures to evaluate treatments to stabilize these unhealthy regions of the brain, such as a neurological physical examination, VOG (video-oculography), audiometric testing (hearing tests), a computerized assessment of postural systems (CAPS) for balance, and imaging if necessary such as MRI. Click here for more information.


Hearing Aids Are Evolving Into Connected Devices

Hearing Aids Are Evolving Into Connected Devices    

They Will Have GPS, Accelerometers, Health Trackers, And AI    

Hearing aids improve hearing by amplifying sound, especially in the frequency range for being able to understand a conversation in a noisy place, and also filter loud noises. However, these devices are getting smarter. Many years ago, most wristwatches showed the time and date. Now they interface with the smartphone, show notifications, track heartbeat rate and blood pressure, GPS, and many more. The same is happening with hearing aids, which are beginning to connect to other devices, even interface with appliances and with a smart home. These advanced hearing aids are called hearables and provide augmented-hearing. Other devices use the phone’s microphone for listening to conversations, have a health tracker and even accelerometers to detect movement and falls since falling is one of the major causes of death in seniors. More Information click here.


A Huge Percentage Of The Aging Population Will Have Hearing Problems

A Huge Percentage Of The Aging Population Will Have Hearing Problems    

However, Hearing Aid Technology Is Also Becoming More Affordable    

According to specialists, the number of aging adults with hearing loss that is expected to increase dramatically. One-third of the people of 65 to 74 years have hearing loss, and this condition also occurs in nearly half of people older than 75. However, there are advances in the technology of hearing aids. These devices might be similar to prosthetics – they wonk feel right at first because the sounds will be different. The mind must get accustomed to the new sounds. Also, hearing aids not only allow people to hear the world around them but also communicate with each other. Another advantage is that hearing aids are becoming less expensive. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Hearing Aids Are Evolving Into Connected Devices

Hearing Aids Are Evolving Into Connected Devices    

They Will Have GPS, Accelerometers, Health Trackers, And AI    

Hearing aids improve hearing by amplifying sound, especially in the frequency range for being able to understand a conversation in a noisy place, and also filter loud noises. However, these devices are getting smarter. Many years ago, most wristwatches showed the time and date. Now they interface with the smartphone, show notifications, track heartbeat rate and blood pressure, GPS, and many more. The same is happening with hearing aids, which are beginning to connect to other devices, even interface with appliances and with a smart home. These advanced hearing aids are called hearables and provide augmented-hearing. Other devices use the phone’s microphone for listening to conversations, have a health tracker and even accelerometers to detect movement and falls since falling is one of the major causes of death in seniors. More Information click here.


A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss

A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss    

Among The Causes Are A Bacterial Infection, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, And Even Tooth Infection    

A sore throat can also cause ear pain because the nerves in the back of the throat are located near the nerves from the ear, the throat pain often radiates to one or both ears. Also, the ears communicate with the throat via the Eustachian tube, which can transmit bacteria or swell, increasing the pressure of the ear. the infection can originate in the ear, in the form of otitis media, or even in the ear canal, which can become moist, promoting the growth of bacteria. Symptoms are a sore throat, headache, earache, and hearing loss. Other conditions to throat inflammation are related to the tonsils and bacterial infections. The sinuses an also affect the throat and ears, due to sinusitis and allergies. Additional causes are related to oral health in the form of a tooth abscess, which is a pocket of pus grows at the root’s tip of the tooth, causing a severe pain that radiates to the jawbone and ear. Check all the causes of a sore throat and how it can affect the ears. More Information click here.


Explaining The Shape Of Human Ears

Explaining The Shape Of Human Ears    

Many of us wonder why our ears are shaped the way they are. Human ears are fixed, unlike the rotating ears of many animals. Also, they are optimized for hearing from the front since the outer flap works like a sound-gatherer. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

This Device Will Protect Your Ears From Excessive Volume, But Will Allow A Conversation

This Device Will Protect Your Ears From Excessive Volume, But Will Allow A Conversation    

Protection from high volume sounds is an issue for musicians and other persons who work in noisy environments. There is a new earplug that blocks all the high-volume sound but allows having a conversation with people around you. It also has a connection to a smartphone to adjust the level of protection. Click here for more info.


Dangers Of Bleeding From The Ear And Other Parts Of The Body

Dangers Of Bleeding From The Ear And Other Parts Of The Body    

Bleeding from the ear can mean that an insect has entered the ear canal. Inserting a finger to remove it is not convenient since it might sting to protest itself. Check the causes and dangers of bleeding from other parts of the body, including genitals, rectum, eyes, nose, and mouth. Additional details click here.


What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?

What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?    

People must be aware if one family member begins showing signs of hearing loss. In order to understand more this condition, let’s review the types of hearing conditions. The conductive type is related to the outer ear, ear canal or middle ear. An example is earwax blockage, a perforated eardrum, among others. These can be corrected surgically. The sensorineural type is related to the inner ear or auditory nerve. These can include balance problems and tend to be permanent. Check all the types. More Information click here.


Monday, June 8, 2020

What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?

What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?    

People must be aware if one family member begins showing signs of hearing loss. In order to understand more this condition, let’s review the types of hearing conditions. The conductive type is related to the outer ear, ear canal or middle ear. An example is earwax blockage, a perforated eardrum, among others. These can be corrected surgically. The sensorineural type is related to the inner ear or auditory nerve. These can include balance problems and tend to be permanent. Check all the types. More Information click here.


This Device Will Protect Your Ears From Excessive Volume, But Will Allow A Conversation

This Device Will Protect Your Ears From Excessive Volume, But Will Allow A Conversation    

Protection from high volume sounds is an issue for musicians and other persons who work in noisy environments. There is a new earplug that blocks all the high-volume sound but allows having a conversation with people around you. It also has a connection to a smartphone to adjust the level of protection. Click here for more info.


Learning To Choose A Hearing Aid

Learning To Choose A Hearing Aid    

Actual Devices Are Smaller And Can Have Functions For Background Noise Reduction    

A hearing aid can help relieve the consequences of hearing loss, especially when it is age-related, which appears gradually, and affects the quality of living of the person, and its ability to communicate. However, there is a wide variety of hearing aids, and it can be difficult to select one without the help of a specialist. The actual devices are not bulky but hide behind the ear. They have also digital internal electronics, which sets the difference in operation, and price, allowing clear conversations. Also, modern hearing aids can interface with smartphones via Bluetooth, allowing them to get access to more functions, and listening to streaming devices, such as TVs, radio, or portable players. It may also have directional microphones to orient the conversation to the person in front of the user. More details click here.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Many People Who Require Hearing Aid Do Not Use Them

Many People Who Require Hearing Aid Do Not Use Them    

They Believe That The Devices Will Restore Hearing Completely, But They Are Optimized For Conversations    

According to specialists, a large percentage of people who require hearing aids do not use them. One of the causes is that they set their expectations very high, and they do not hear as well as when their hearing was normal. When they become aware that the hearing function is not completely restored, they get disappointed, stop using them and say that they don’t work. They don’t understand that the hearing is damaged and that the hearing aid is designed to optimize the frequencies of the human voice, not the full sound spectrum. Hearing aids do this by using directional microphones and internal processing to identify voices in noisy environments. There is also a negative stigma related to being old, and usually, hearing aids are expensive, which can be a financial problem. The idea is to take an informed decision. There is are no perfect hearing aid that will restore hearing completely, but they will help in understanding conversations. It is important to take the time, testing various devices until finding the correct one. This process can take as much as 6 months. Many manufacturers provide a trial period. The hearing aid is like prostheses, and getting accustomed to it and using it correctly takes time, patience, and perseverance. More Information click here.


Friday, June 5, 2020

This Quick Self-Test Will Help You Determine If You Have Hearing Loss

This Quick Self-Test Will Help You Determine If You Have Hearing Loss    

Hearing loss is not only a problem related to older adults. With exposure to high volume noises in the streets or in music concerts, it can affect anyone. However, if you have it, sometimes it is difficult to admit. Check this quick test and find out. Click here for more information.


Low Pressure On Planes Can Affect Children’s Ears

Low Pressure On Planes Can Affect Children’s Ears    

They Can Be Unable To Balance Internal Pressure On Ears Due To Not Fully Developed Eustachian Tubes    

One of the issues of flying is the change of pressure in the plane. Due to the structural materials, the plane has to maintain an internal air pressure similar to 3000 meters above sea level. This can be annoying for adults but can be far worse for children. Adults can balance the internal ear pressure via the Eustachian tubes. However, due to the fact that children’s ears are not fully developed, they might have more problems balancing the pressure on the eardrums, and can even result painful for them. This can be prevented by taking frequent sips of water since swallowing opens the Eustachian and relieves the air pressure. A lollipop also helps, since the child is going to suck it. Check all the tips to prevent ear discomfort in children while flying. Additional information click here.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

New Gene Therapy For Hearing And Balance Disorders

New Gene Therapy For Hearing And Balance Disorders

It Will Help People With Hereditary Hearing Loss

New research might be helpful for people with the Usher syndrome, a genetic condition that includes partial or total hearing loss, dizziness and vision loss that worsens over time. It is caused by abnormalities in the inner ear. Hearing loss and dizziness are among the main disabilities, and can be severe and debilitating. The research consists of a treatment based on gene therapy on mice, which restored their balance an improved their hearing. It will help people with hereditary hearing loss. More Information click here.


New Gene Therapy For Hearing And Balance Disorders

New Gene Therapy For Hearing And Balance Disorders

It Will Help People With Hereditary Hearing Loss

New research might be helpful for people with the Usher syndrome, a genetic condition that includes partial or total hearing loss, dizziness and vision loss that worsens over time. It is caused by abnormalities in the inner ear. Hearing loss and dizziness are among the main disabilities, and can be severe and debilitating. The research consists of a treatment based on gene therapy on mice, which restored their balance an improved their hearing. It will help people with hereditary hearing loss. More Information click here.


Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment

Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment    

It Can Also Be Used To Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches, And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome    

There are professional activities that have greater exposure to loud noises, such as musicians, and DJs. This is how one of them dealt with this condition. In noise-induced hearing loss, the hair cells in the cochlea become damaged, the sensory information sensory sent to the brain is incomplete. Therefore, the ear tries to find the missing information – analogous to a phantom limb – which results in the communication of a ringing sensation back to the brain. This worsens when there is chronic stress, which prepares the body for a dangerous situation. Among the effects is a hypersensitivity of the nervous system, in which the brain amplifies the nervous impulses that come through the senses, including the tinnitus noise. Craniosacral therapy looks for any tensions, imbalances, restrictions or disturbances, calming the central nervous system, which is directly linked to the cranial nerves of the ears and reducing the chronic stress, resulting in the decrease of tinnitus symptoms. It can be used also to treat anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Certain Hunters Don’t Wish To Use Ear Protection

Certain Hunters Don’t Wish To Use Ear Protection    

Hunters are advised to wear ear protection, since a shoot has 140 decibels, way over the 70 decibels which are the limit for hearing loss. However, they say that headphones won’t allow them to hear the deer coming and that they do not shoot as frequently as to have ear damage. Can this be correct? More info click here.


Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs

Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs    

It Can Be Linked To Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, And Caused By Migraines And Low Blood Pressure    

Dizziness is a sensation of loss of balance, which can go from lightheadedness to continuous vertigo. It affects the inner ear, where the balance organs are located. It can also cause nausea and short-term hearing loss, which can be linked to an ear infection. Another cause is Meniere’s disease. In this condition, the room feels like it is spinning, and other symptoms may be tinnitus hearing loss and a sensation of pressure in the ear. Even though the causes of Meniere’s are unclear, specialists believe that there are genetic factors, and it might be triggered by excessive internal pressure in the inner ear. Dizziness can be caused by a migraine, which may occur before or after the migraine attack or by anxiety, along with heart palpitations. Another cause is low blood pressure, which triggers an episode of dizziness when standing up or changing positions. It can be also the symptom of a serious health condition when combined with other symptoms such as a numb face and double vision. These are linked to a clogged artery, which lowers the blood blow to the brain and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Check all the causes of dizziness. Additional information click here.


Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause

Trouble Hearing Conversations? This Might Be The Cause    

Some older people have trouble listening to a conversation in noisy environments. However, audiology tests show no signs of hearing loss. According to a recent study, the reason might be an imbalance in neural processes in the brain. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tinnitus Could Be A Side Effect Of Taking Painkillers

Tinnitus Could Be A Side Effect Of Taking Painkillers    

One of the causes of tinnitus is the use of painkillers. In fact, one side effect of several types of pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, is ringing in the ears. Adding it to acetaminophen or an NSAID — a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, increased the risk of having hearing loss. More info click here.


Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Affects Certain Frequencies, Preventing The Understanding Of Words

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Affects Certain Frequencies, Preventing The Understanding Of Words    

It Can Be Avoided Wearing Earplugs That Lower The Volume    

Noise-related hearing loss is caused when the small hair cells inside the inner ear are affected and unable to covert the sounds into electrical signals to be recognized by the brain. These hair cells are tuned for certain frequencies. Therefore, this condition prevents hearing the frequencies matching to the damaged cells. Usually, the higher frequencies are affected, which also correspond to the consonants, making the process of understanding a conversation more difficult, hearing the speech without being able to determine the words. Also, excess noise can vary the threshold in a person’s hearing which is the lowest decibel level at which a person can hear a specific frequency. These can be temporary or permanent, as in the case when there is gunfire or an explosion, where there is a temporary hearing loss. Another consequence may be the appearance of tinnitus, which is a ringing in the ears or other sounds, such as hissing or clicking, which are not in the environment. One way to prevent it is by wearing hearing protection, which consists of earplug that will lower the volume. More Information click here.


Swimmers Ear Can Be Prevented By Draining The Water Trapped In The Ear Canal

Swimmers Ear Can Be Prevented By Draining The Water Trapped In The Ear Canal    

It Is An Infection That Can Be Avoided By Removing The Excess Earwax    

Swimmer’s ear occurs when water remains in the ear canal after swimming. This is caused by an earwax buildup, which prevents the water from flowing out. The water inside the ear promotes a moist environment which allows the growth of bacteria, resulting in an infection. This condition is called otitis externa, and its symptoms are painful and itchy. Trying to remove the earwax with a cotton tip is not recommended because it can move the earwax inside the canal, and increase the risk of injury in the delicate skin tissue of the ear canal, which has already been affected by the infection. This condition can be prevented by tilting the head sideways to force the water to drain out. Also, even that there are eardrops that will help the earwax to flow out, it is better to visit a specialist to remove the excess earwax. More Information click here.


Monday, June 1, 2020

What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

Exposure To Loud Noises Can Affect The Ability To Recognize Words Over A Noisy Background

Exposure to loud sounds can affect the circuits between the sensory hair cells in the inner ear and the areas which deliver information to the brain. This type of damage is difficult to detect via conventional tests and is called hidden hearing loss. Researchers measured hearing and speech abilities before and after attending a venue with loud music, such as clubs or music festivals. They found that hearing loss was temporary. However, when conducting speech recognition tests with background noise, participants were less able to recognize the speech. More Information click here.


One-Sided Hearing Loss Affects Understanding Conversations In Noisy Environments

One-Sided Hearing Loss Affects Understanding Conversations In Noisy Environments

The Brain Uses Both Sides Of The Brain To Process Speech

Most of us are familiar with hearing loss as a condition that affects both ears. However, there is also one-sided hearing loss. In can be caused by excessively high sound, head injury and blood interruption to the inner ear, among others. Also, hearing with only one ear makes difficult understanding speech, because the brain does a better job separating background noise from speech when using both sides of the brain. Fortunately, there is a technology that can help. More info click here.


Zika Can Result In Hearing Loss

Zika Can Result In Hearing Loss    

Zika infection, which is spreading in many countries, can cause hearing loss. This occurs because Zika affects the brain, the stem, and the peripheral nerves. Since Zika affects also newborn babies, the procedure is to test for hearing and eyesight. More details click here.